At Green Park School, we offer our children a broad and balanced curriculum that fulfils the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum 2014 and beyond.
Curriculum Design
The breadth of our curriculum is designed with three goals in mind:
1) To give pupils appropriate experiences to develop as confident, responsible citizens;
2) To provide an enriching experiencing enhancing children's ‘cultural capital’;
3) To provide a progressive, ambitious, academic curriculum
Appropriate experiences:
At Green Park, we have carefully considered what we want our children to achieve from their curriculum in order to bring about the aims and values of our school, and respond to the particular needs of our school community. Children and adults work in an environment of mutual respect and trust which contributes to an extremely positive learning environment. Our school values of compassion, happiness, collaboration, belonging, respect and success help children to develop their social and moral code, as they build their sense of uniqueness and self-worth as an individual. These values are promoted through everyday life at Green Park and through many areas of the curriculum in particular our Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education programme. We believe all children deserve the opportunity to nurture their individual talents and to achieve their true potential. We aim to encourage the children to develop their understanding of their local and national heritage and their role in modern Britain today by actively promoting and carefully threading the fundamental British Values and awareness of the protected characteristics throughout our curriculum. We encourage them to embrace all that multi-cultural Britain has to offer them and develop their understanding of the global world to nurture the whole child and help them to become well-rounded individuals and good citizens.
Enrichment (through cultural capital):
Enrichment activities, classrooms and learning environments excite, inspire and support pupils in their learning and personal development. The statutory curriculum is complemented by a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities including a variety of sports, music, crafts and IT. We also offer Chess, HMRC Tax Facts, Altru Drama Performances and workshops and Healthy Habits workshops as regular features within the curriculum. Outside expertise, educational visits, themed events and visitors are used to broaden and enhance children’s learning. Encouragement to join the Children’s University programme also enables children to add to their cultural capital. Curriculum Enhancement Opportunities 2023-24
Challenging and relevant :
Children are challenged through the ambitious curriculum; they have the confidence and self-worth to be challenged by staff and also challenge themselves. Learning is relevant and reflects the diverse and forever changing world in which we live to facilitate them in being successful adults of the future. We have high expectations of all children in all subjects, work is presented to a high standard and informative feedback ensures children know how to improve their work. We give high priority to teaching the fundamentals of reading, writing and Maths every day, to ensure that all pupils acquire the embedded knowledge and mastered skills for learning and life. These skills are used and practised across all other subjects.
“For one to write well, there are required: to read the best authors, observe the best speakers, and much exercise of his own style.”
Ben Jonson
“The more you read the more things you will know. The more you learn the more places you’ll go.”
Dr Zeuss
High quality texts are at the heart of the English curriculum to allow for opportunities to read for pleasure and to model and stimulate the children's writing. Where appropriate, other curriculum subjects are used to extend writing opportunities in a range of genres. The Read - Write process follows a structured format: Immersion, Analysis, Planning and Writing. KS2 children edit and redraft their independent writing pieces.
Reading is central throughout all years. Phonics sessions occur daily in N, Reception and Y1 and 4 times a week in Y2, following Little Wandle. Lessons follow a structured daily plan ensuring fidelity to the scheme. Children are assessed half termly and any children falling behind will receive phonics ‘keep up’ to plug any gaps. Following on from the assessments, children are matched to the correct level of book, resulting in a high level of fluency.
Teaching of reading is timetabled daily in all year groups. These sessions have a clear focus and ensure the wider skills of reading are taught. There are opportunities for children to read silently and complete reading related tasks independently each week. In KS2, the children enjoy a mixture of reading tasks that are linked by theme and a weekly Novel Studies session. In N children are immersed in stories through their daily learning. In R, Y1 and Y2 children read 3 times a week in a group, focusing on decoding, prosody and comprehension. This book is then given at the end of the week for children to read at home. In addition children take home a reading for pleasure book. This is not one that is matched to their phonic ability but is to share with their families. They choose from either the class selection or the infant library where there is a variety of different genres and both picture and chapter books available. At the end of every day, all classes engage with storytime which is led by a member of staff and its sole purpose is to listen to a story for pleasure. Reading sessions for parents are delivered across the school to ensure parents are able to support effectively at home.
Speaking, listening and drama activities are inbuilt into the various phases of the reading and writing process to enhance and deepen understanding. As a school, we value the importance of oracy as a tool for learning and invest time in this.
There is a systematic approach to the teaching of spelling across the school. There is discrete teaching that is then carried through into all subjects. In Reception, spellings (tricky words) are sent home when deemed appropriate by the class teacher. Spelling lists are sent home weekly from the Ninja Vocabulary Spelling Scheme. The teaching of Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar form an important part of the English curriculum. In all year groups there is a dedicated time given to the discrete teaching of these aspects, this session is named Daily SPaG. The teaching of Grammar is also followed up within the main body of English lessons and in other subjects to embed a contextual understanding.
In Ks2, handwriting is taught using Twinkl’s Cursive handwriting scheme which is a whole school approach centred around Letter families. The goal is for children to be writing in joined (cursive) script when they enter Year 4. The children in Years 1 and 2 follow Oak Academy Trust lessons that are devised by Occupational Therapists - these sessions support core strength as well as the improvement of fine and gross motor skills. Any children that require handwriting / pencil control support make use of these plans too.
“The essence of maths is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated things simple.”
Stan Gudder
At Green Park, we promote confidence and love of learning in mathematics, and our aim is to ensure that the pupils are competent in fluency, reasoning and problem solving, and have a good understanding of the structure of numbers and problems, through the use of carefully selected manipulatives and representations.
The Green Park Primary School Mathematics Curriculum aligns with the scope and ambition of the National Curriculum, and The EYFS Statutory Framework. Core topics are revisited during the year to support mastery learning. In EYFS, Development Matters informs planning to ensure small steps of learning, using supporting materials from Master the Curriculum and White Rose. Continuing into KS1 and KS2, small steps are ensured through careful use of the White Rose scheme, supplemented where needed with resources including curriculum prioritisation materials from NCETM. Our curriculum supports a broad, yet deep, approach to learning. Daily and weekly activities to promote fluency are embedded into the curriculum.
In EYFS, Nursery follows the Master the Curriculum scheme, however the teachers are flexible and adapt to the needs of the children and teach according to the needs of the cohort. Pupils have short teacher inputs and maths is continuously supported in the provision in addition to small group work with their Key Workers or individually in continuous provision where children are playing and more willing to engage. There is a maths focus day once a week. Reception pupils use Mastering Number as well as the White Rose Maths scheme, in line with the rest of the school which is used in addition to the learning experiences within their continuous provision.
In KS1, Mastering Number is also used followed by a maths lesson based on the White Rose scheme of learning, but teachers are flexible and adapt resources to the needs of the cohort. In KS2, the majority of the lessons are based on White Rose, with additional high quality resources to support learning. Mastering Number is used in KS2 for some intervention.
In KS1 and KS2 the children take part in Daily Maths ‘Flashback Four’ - each morning of alternate weeks, the children begin their day with a twenty minute daily maths session, which allows them to practise concepts and skills that have previously been taught and learned or allow for pre-teaching experiences prior to a main concept. In Year 5 and 6, the children have further opportunities to practise and refine their knowledge of calculations involving the four operations daily using ‘Fluent in Five’. This further supports their arithmetic work and helps to embed their learning.
Once per week in KS1 and KS2, a maths session is dedicated to guiding children through arithmetic problems. This guided lesson allows children to work collaboratively to develop fluency in arithmetic. Similarly, specific times tables sessions are completed each week to support children in achieving fluency with times tables by Year 4 with the aim to use times tables confidently for more difficult concepts as they move to Year 5 and Year 6.
Overall, our maths teaching and learning provides regular opportunities for retrieval practice to enable children to know more and remember more in addition to preparing children to use maths within everyday contexts and the wider world.
“The important thing in Science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them.”
William Lawrence Bragg
Our Science Curriculum, which is derived from the ‘Kapow Learning’ Units of work, covers the National Curriculum for England while supporting a broad, yet deep approach to learning which is ambitious for our children. We ensure that working scientifically is threaded through the sequences of lessons so that our children are constantly using scientific skills as well as acquiring and embedding scientific knowledge. Teachers are encouraged to deliver the units in their own unique way of teaching in order to inspire young scientists of the future.
At Green Park School we aim to provide the children with a broad, well balanced, stimulating and ambitious curriculum which provides first hand experiences and builds on the children’s prior knowledge. We encourage all of our pupils to become independent, confident learners and help prepare them for the next stage of their lives.
Details of what is covered in each year group can be found in our year group and subject curriculum maps. Progression within each subject is carefully planned to ensure a good balance of consolidation and new learning to ensure knowledge and skills are embedded. Retrieval practice forms a key aspect of teacher's planning so that children know more and remember more.
Our approach to learning is through teaching of discrete subjects so that children are extremely clear about which subject and skills belong to which. Our curriculum is continually being reviewed to ensure that it is ambitious and challenges our children to become scientists, geographers, historians, artists, engineers, musicians, and well-rounded individuals. Subjects may be covered in a weekly lesson or in a block if more appropriate e.g Design & Technology. Science, PSHE, PE and RE are taught weekly to ensure that class teachers can follow up and capitalise on children’s learning throughout the week. We use educational visits, fieldwork and organise visitors to school to help create enthusiasm for learning and to provide academic, social and cultural experiences.
Videos and photographs are also used to record the children’s work. These are often shared with parents and can be found on our Twitter feed on the school website using our school hashtags.
Curriculum schemes used to support learning and teaching at Green Park School:
We utilise published curriculum materials to support our planning – all based on the Early Years and Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum and the National Curriculum (2014). All aspects comply with legislation and national guidance, including the teaching of Sex Relationships Education (SRE).
We use a variety of published schemes to support us in school, these include:
● Little Wandle (Phonics)
● Literacy Counts Read to Write (English)
● White Rose Maths and NCETM Mastering Number programme
● Charanga (Music)
● Kapow Primary (Science, History, Geography, Art and Design, Design and Technology)
● PE Passport (PE)
● Sefton SACRE (RE syllabus) and RE Today
● Ilearn2 (Computing)
"Religions are different roads converging to the same point. What does it matter that we take different roads as long as we reach the same goal? In reality, there are as many different religions as there are individuals. "
In line with the Sefton agreed syllabus, we have adopted the NATRE Primary scheme of work which compliments the syllabus and offers high quality learning pathways which simplify the teaching journey. Key facts and essential information for each unit aid seamless knowledge transfer to pupils using the knowledge organisers and sequential lessons to ensure accurate delivery of information on a range of worldwide religious and non religious views. Each unit begins with a pre assessment and again at the end to assess the children's understanding.
“Our lives are fashioned by our choices. First we make our choices then our choices make us. “
Anne Frank
At Green Park, we have a structured personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) programme but tailor this to the needs of the children or cohort at any given time which allows us to be reactive to children’s experiences and the world around them. At Green Park, we have carefully planned our RSE curriculum and have adapted to meet the needs of our children, keeping parents informed at all times so that they are able to engage with their children about RSE at home too.
“The sky has no limits… neither do I.”
Usain Bolt
All children have two timetabled PE lessons each week. Coverage is carefully mapped out offering a broad and balanced curriculum. The school sports funding is used to promote exercise and up the level of activity during the day in addition to providing opportunities to compete in level 1, 2 and 3 competition where possible. Coaches offer sessions at lunchtime to enhance the quality of provision. Children take part in a range of local and regional competitions which also provide opportunity to access competition at a national level. These are coordinated by our PE subject leader. Swimming is a statutory element of the curriculum and is delivered from Y3-Y6 as part of the PE curriculum. All children are assessed on their ability to swim 25 metres and carry out basic life saving techniques by the end of Year 6. We take pride in ensuring our children understand the importance of exercise in living a healthy and active life.
“Geography underpins a lifelong ‘conversation’ about the earth as a home for humankind.”
Geographical Association
Our Geography scheme of work inspires pupils to become curious and explorative thinkers with a diverse knowledge of the world; in other words, to think like a geographer. We develop pupils’ confidence to question and observe places, measure and record necessary data in various ways, and analyse and present their findings. Through our scheme of work, we build an awareness of how Geography shapes our lives at multiple scales and over time. We encourage pupils to become resourceful, active citizens who will have the skills to contribute to and improve the world around them. Our scheme encourages:
● a strong focus on developing both geographical skills and knowledge.
● Critical thinking, with the ability to ask perceptive questions and explain and analyse evidence.
● The development of fieldwork skills across each year group.
● A deep interest and knowledge of pupils’ locality and how it differs from other areas of the world.
● A growing understanding of geographical concepts, terms and vocabulary.
For EYFS, the activities allow pupils to work towards the ‘Understanding the world’ Development matters statements and Early learning goals, while also covering foundational knowledge that will support them in their further geography learning in Key stage 1.
“People without the knowledge of their past origin and culture is like a tree without roots.”
Marcus Moisah Garvey
Our History scheme of work inspires pupils to be curious and creative thinkers who develop a complex knowledge of local and national history and the history of the wider world. We encourage pupils to develop the confidence to think critically, ask questions, and be able to explain and analyse historical evidence, building an awareness of significant events and individuals and recognise how things have changed over time and why.
Our History scheme supports pupils in building their understanding of chronology in each year group, making connections over periods of time and developing a chronologically-secure knowledge of History. We introduce children to key substantive concepts including power, invasion, settlement and migration, empire, civilisation, religion, trade, achievements of humankind, society and culture.
“Every human is an artist.’
Don Miguel Ruiz
Art and Design at Green Park inspires pupils and develops their confidence to experiment and invent their own works of art. It is designed to give pupils every opportunity to develop their ability, nurture their talents and interests, express their ideas and thoughts about the world, as well as learning about art and artists across cultures and through history.
Art and design lessons are sequential, allowing children to build their skills and knowledge, applying them to a range of outcomes. The formal elements of the National Curriculum, drawing, painting and mixed media, sculpture and 3d and craft and design are revisited again and again with increasing complexity in a spiral curriculum model to allow children to build on their previous learning.
“Good buildings come from good people, and all problems are solved by good design.”
Stepher Gardiner
Our Design and technology scheme has been designed for pupils to respond to design briefs and scenarios that require consideration of the needs of others, developing their skills in the six key areas of the National Curriculum. Each of our key areas follows the design process (design, make and evaluate) and has a particular theme and focus from the technical knowledge or cooking and nutrition section of the curriculum.
Our curriculum is a spiral curriculum, with key areas revisited again and again with increasing complexity, allowing pupils to revisit and build on their previous learning. Lessons incorporate a range of teaching strategies from independent tasks, paired and group work including practical hands-on, computer-based and inventive tasks. This variety means that lessons are engaging and appeal to those with a variety of learning styles. The resources used to support learning ensures a high standard of pupil progression.
“Without music, life would be a mistake.”
Friedrich Nietzsche
From Year 3, children are highly encouraged to learn how to play an instrument with specialist peripatetic teachers from Sefton Music Support Service who visit school to teach woodwind and string instruments. To ensure breadth and balance, Musical Minds offers guitar, piano and drumming lessons for children.
Music at Green Park is designed to equip children to listen, appraise, perform, compose, appreciate and enjoy music across the curriculum. The music curriculum is delivered through interactive units of work from Charanga which cover composing, listening, appraising and performing music within each unit. Across the year, whole class/key stage singing is also delivered by a music specialist and showcased to parents/carers.
"You live a new life for every language you speak. If you only know one language, you only live once."
Czech proverb
At Green Park we foster an early understanding of the Spanish language and enable children to speak with increasing confidence, fluency and accuracy. We aim to teach children to read and write increasingly complex sentences and build an understanding of key grammatical features. We also foster an appreciation of the culture and traditions of Spain.
In Key Stage 2 the teaching of Spanish is delivered by a bilingual Spanish teacher, who delivers weekly lessons including speaking, listening, reading, writing and learning about Spain and its traditions.
All Spanish lessons include games, songs and a highly motivating style of teaching to foster an enthusiasm for learning the language.
“Alan Turing gave us a mathematical model of digital computing that has completely withstood the test of time. He gave us a very, very clear description that was truly prophetic.”
George Dyson
Using technology is a very important and essential feature of the teaching and learning that takes place at Green Park Primary School.
Professional development of staff skills is a paramount feature of developing a successful and positive approach to the use of existing and future technologies.
We believe ICT at Green Park will allow the children to become confident users of technology equipping them to become successful and productive learners. Our current range of technology is purposely varied and includes Chromebooks and iPads. The use of Google classroom enhances many teaching and assessment opportunities in the classroom.
The computing curriculum is delivered discretely and the skills learned within these lessons are applied across many other areas of the curriculum where it provides an enhancement to learning. A range of devices and software are used to ensure children can engage in simple programming. A celebration of the school’s wide and varied curriculum can be found on our twitter feed on the home page of the school website.
As a result of a well planned, broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum, children at Green Park School are well prepared for the next stage in their education. Throughout their time at the school they acquire knowledge, skills and a love of learning that governors and staff believe will carry through to their adult lives and into the workplace. Outcomes for pupils are high at the end of Key Stage 2 in reading,writing and maths, setting them firmly on the road to success in the future.
Please see the hyperlink for more information about how our curriculum impacts all stakeholders within our school.Evidence of Impact .docx
For parents wishing to gain a deeper insight or understanding of the curriculum approach at Green Park Community School, please make contact with the school office and we will be delighted to facilitate more information.
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