Listed, are the evidence based interventions that are currently in place at Green Park Primary School.
Our Therapist is Mrs Lewis.
An experiential based intervention designed for children, young people or adults who may be suffering from trauma or poor mental health. This programme is delivered by our EHWB Lead or through Early Help Support Workers who are qualified practitioners.
Our Play Therapy is Mr James Duffy.
Play Therapy is the dynamic process between child and Play Therapist in which the child explores at his or her own pace and with his or her own agenda those issues, past and current, conscious and unconscious, that are affecting the child’s life in the present. The child’s inner resources are enabled by the therapeutic alliance to bring about growth and change. Play Therapy is child-centred, in which play is the primary medium and speech (in the form of Speech, Sign or Augmentative and Alternative Communication) is the secondary medium. This is delivered by James Duffy (Msc Play Therapy and a member of BAPT) who joins us each week for 1:1 sessions with some of our children.
LEGO-Based Therapy is a social development program that uses LEGO activities to support the development of a wide range of social skills within a group setting.
Our ELSA is Mrs McManus.
ELSAs are Emotional Literacy Support Assistants. They are teaching assistants who have received specific additional training from educational psychologists from whom they receive on going supervision following training. Their role is to support children and young people in school to understand and regulate their own emotions whilst also respecting the feelings of those around them. ELSAs are trained to plan and deliver programmes of support to pupils in their school who are experiencing temporary or longer term additional emotional needs. The majority of ELSA work is expected to be delivered on an individual basis, but sometimes small group work will be appropriate, especially in the areas of social and friendship skills.
Class teachers will observe their pupils and often identify any emotional needs. Through their quality first teaching, and the support of teaching assistants they will support the child through circle times, 1:1 chats, class discussions etc.
Here are some of the resources used by our teachers and teaching assistants to support children with issues that may arise in their lives that impact on their emotional wellbeing.
As listed, we have a range of evidence based interventions in place.
In addition to this, we utilise staff members to deliver sessions that focus on particular areas, i.e. Friendships and Resilience.
There are also readily available drop in sessions that might include some guided meditations, mindfulness activities or opportunities to simply talk.
Level 4 Certificate in Mental Health Aware Leadership: Mrs Lewis
ELSA: Mrs McManus
BSc Child & Adolescent Mental Health and Wellbeing: (3 TRAINEES)
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