FOGP - Friends of Green Park

Friends of Green Park

Parents and Teachers Association

We are a small group made up of parents and teachers who meet throughout the year to arrange social and fundraising events to buy the little extras for school.  Over the years we have bought sports equipment, resources for individual classes, subsidised trips, and Year 6 leavers hoodies.  We have raised the funds with family bingo nights, discos, summer fairs and christmas raffles.  We are currently working on our biggest project so far as we are raising money for a new multi use playground that can be used all year round.  We are delighted to have raised over half of our target and really hope to raise the additional funds this year so we can get started on the installation as soon as possible.  We are always looking for more volunteers to help support us.  Please get in touch:

Our Next Meeting is 11th September 7pm - New members are very welcome, email for a zoom link to join.

If time is something you can't give at the moment, then please see some of the other things you can do to support the school: 

  • We run a school lottery - tickets £1 per week and there's a guaranteed winner each week with a chance of winning £25,000.  Please click on the 'Your School Lottery' below. 
  • If you are an online shopper, download the EasyFundraising App and support our school.  Every time you spend online, the school benefits from a donation from the business, not costing you a penny more!
  • Look out for our Friday Tuck Shop on the playground, after school.
  • One off donations are welcome through the parent pay app - please see the school office if this facility is not available.
  • Give our Insta page a follow  fogp_pta

We hope to see you at one of our meetings or at an event soon. 

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