KS2 Results

Keystage 2 Results

The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance

2024 Results

  • Average Scaled Scores

    Average Scaled Scores Green Park 

    Average Scaled Score - Reading: 105 

    Average Scaled Score - SPAG: 104  

    Average Scaled Score - Maths: 105


    Average Scaled Scores National

    Average Scaled Score - Reading: 105

    Average Scaled Score - SPAG: 105

    Average Scaled Score - Maths: 104

  • Attainment

    Attainment (Green Park)

    Expected +

    Reading 71%  

    Writing 81%  

    Maths 81%  

    SPAG 77%  

    Reading/Writing/Maths Combined 68%


    Attainment National

    Expected +

    Reading 74%  

    Writing 72%  

    Maths 73%  

    SPAG 72%  

    Reading/Writing/Maths Combined 61% 

2023 Results

  • Progress

    Average Progress Score Reading: 0.89

    Average Progress Score Writing: -0.25

    Average Progress Score Maths: -1.42

  • Average Scaled Scores

    Average Scaled Scores  - Green Park 

    Average Scaled Score - Reading: 107

    Average Scaled Score - SPAG: 106

    Average Scaled Score - Maths: 104

    Average Scaled Scores  - National

    Average Scaled Score - Reading: 105

    Average Scaled Score - SPAG: 105

    Average Scaled Score - Maths: 104

  • Attainment

    Greenpark Attainment

    Expected +

    Reading 87%

    Writing 77%

    Maths 73%

    SPAG 80%

    Reading/Writing/Maths Combined 60%

    Greater Depth (Higher level of attainment)

    Reading 27%

    Writing 13% 

    Maths 23% 

    SPAG 37% 

    Reading/Writing/Maths Combined 10% 

    National Average Attainment

    Expected +

    Reading 73%

    Writing 71%

    Maths 73%

    SPAG 72%

    Reading/Writing/Maths Combined 59%

    Greater Depth (Higher level of attainment)

    Reading 29%

    Writing 13%

    Maths 24%

    SPAG 30%

    Reading/Writing/Maths Combined 8%

2019 Results

  • Progress

    Average progress score reading  -  +1.49

    Average progress score writing  -  +0.32

    Average progress score maths    -  +2.45

  • Average Scaled Scores

    Average Scaled Score in reading  -  107.4

    Average Scaled Score in maths     -  108.0

  • Attainment

    Expected +

    Reading                                                                   -  83%

    Writing                                                                     -  87% (Teacher Assessment)

    Maths                                                                       -  93%

    Reading, Writing and Maths Combined             -  80%

    Greater Depth (high level of attainment)

    Reading                                                                   -  40%

    Writing                                                                     -  30% (Teacher Assessment)

    Maths                                                                        -  47%

    Reading, Writing and Maths Combined             -  20%

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