At Green Park Community Primary and Nursery School we fully support the inclusion of all pupils, and ensure that they all progress to their full potential, enjoying a variety of challenges and gaining the achievement of success. Quality first teaching is vital; however, for some children there are occasions when further additional support may be needed to help them achieve success and meet their targets. As identified in the SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Code of Practice 2014, children who fall into these categories: Cognition and Learning needs, Communication and Interaction difficulties, Sensory and /or Physical needs and Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties would receive additional support. We are aware that some pupils have needs that span across these categories and teachers will be aware of both the child’s broad area of need and their primary category of need.
SEND status: SEND is coded on the school census as either K (SEND) or E (EHCP) and these are the codes which must be used:
Broad Area of Need
Primary Category of Need
Some of the aspects of difficulty included in this area are:
ASC Autistic Spectrum Condition
SLCN Speech, Language and Communication Needs
Children on the ASC pathway can’t be recorded as having ASC until they have a diagnosis so they are recorded as SLCN.
Some of the aspects of difficulty included in this area are:
SPLD Specific Learning Difficulty
MLD Moderate Learning Difficulty
SLD Severe Learning Difficulty
PMLD Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulty
Some of the aspects of difficulty included in this area are:
SEMH Social, Emotional and Mental Health (this includes ADHD)
Some of the aspects of difficulty included in this area are:
VI Visual Impairment
HI Hearing Impairment
MSI Multi-Sensory Impairment
PD Physical Disability
The local offer was introduced in the Green Paper in March 2011 as a local offer of all services available to support disabled children and children with SEND and their families. This information will set out what is normally available in school to help children with SEND, as well as the options available to support families whose child may have SEND.
The Headteacher works closely with the Senco to determine a plan for SEND provision within the school and the allocation of funds.
Phone: 0151 526 2755 or email school office
Green Park School staff know when pupils need help if:
❖ Concerns are raised by parents, carers, the class teacher, the teaching assistant or the child themselves.
❖ Pupil Progress Review meetings are held termly between the Headteacher, the classteacher, the Senco and the teaching assistant (if appropriate) to discuss every pupil in each class from the nursery class to Year 6. During these meetings pupil progress / emotional / behavioural concerns will be noted. If the staff then feel that your child is not making age related progress or believe that they may have SEND then the class teacher, with the support of the Senco, will discuss the planning of future support and any necessary intervention concerns and will discuss these with you and also advise how you can support your child in achieving their targets at home.
❖ If appropriate, it may be beneficial to involve other agencies such as SALT (Speech and Language Therapy), IC (Inclusion Consultant), EP (Educational Psychology), OT (Occupational Therapy) or other agencies such as the Audiology or Visual Impairment team and Physiotherapy BUT this would require your verbal or written consent.
❖ The child’s teacher is the first point of contact for parental concerns regarding a child’s difficulties with learning or emotional well-being. Teachers are available before and after school to discuss concerns as long as an appointment has been made. To make an appointment, please go to the school reception desk and request an appointment. The class teacher will then get in touch with you to arrange a suitable, confidential time and place to meet.
❖ The Head Teacher and / or the Senco are also willing to discuss any concerns you have about your child’s learning or emotional well-being.
The class teacher plans each pupil’s educational programme. It will be adapted according to each pupil’s individual needs. This support may include general support by the class teacher or a teaching assistant or this could be through the purchase of specialised books and / or equipment.
❖ The school will have followed the four stages of a graduated approach: Assess, Plan, Do and review. Through this, earlier decisions and actions are revisited, refined and revised with a growing understanding of the pupil’s needs. Supporting the pupils in making good
progress and securing good outcomes is paramount.
❖ If an outside agency has completed an assessment, school and parents / carers will receive a report which will also include strategies and recommendations to promote progress. The class teacher will then incorporate these strategies into a support plan.
❖ The pupil is then added on to the school’s SEND register and the class teacher then prepares a Targeted Support Plan detailing the pupil’s Broad Area of Need and the Primary Category of Need. It will include details of the pupil’s date of birth and year group, the pupil’s learning profile, potential barriers to achievement, approaches to overcome barriers including classroom approaches and additional support. It takes both the pupil’s and the parents’ views into consideration and provides cumulative attainment data in Reading, Writing and Maths updated termly.
❖ If it is felt that a pupil is still not making sufficient and purposeful progress and it is decided that support is needed on a very regular basis and the cost of support needed for the child goes beyond the £6000 provided from school resources, then the school can apply for additional financial resources from the Local Authority. Detailed observations have to be noted, past targets have to be discussed and future targets have to be set and a cost allocated to each intervention / support mechanism.
❖ This process may or may not also involve the completion of an EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan) for which parents/carers and/or the school can apply. The EHCP focuses on the provision that the pupil needs and is guided by a number of key principles.
❖ These will include:
1. Decisions about the content written down are made in close collaboration with parents, and with the pupil if this is appropriate.
2. The opinion of the parents on what the concerns for their child are, what their child enjoys, what they dislike , what they are successful with, what they would like to achieve moving on with their life.
3. The opinion of the pupil themselves in how they feel, their aspirations, what they enjoy, what they dislike, what they find easy or what
is the most challenging.
4. Data over a three year period to show how and what the pupil has achieved.
5. Reports from any outside agencies who have been involved.
6. Specific focused and achievable outcomes for the pupil.
7. How any support will help the pupil in achieving their potential and being the best they can be.
8. A review date which links to other dates and other schedules and which will include a meeting with parents, internal and external
9. Written in a clear and concise language which is fully understood by parents.
10. Parental opinion and intervention at every stage.
Green Park School has an open door policy and parental opinion is of high value. If, at any time, you feel the urgent need to speak with a
member of staff, please come to the school office where both yours and your child’s details will be taken. The office staff will make your wishes known and an appointment can be made at a time which is appropriate to both parties.
You will also be able to discuss your child’s progress during the two parent’s evenings which take place twice a year in October and February. Class teachers are available before and after school, by appointment.
Occasionally class teachers may invite the Headteacher or Senco to a meeting with parents / carers if this is deemed appropriate. This will allow them to understand the concerns of both parents and the concern of the class teacher and will be another source of support and advice.
If any outside professional is to, or has undertaken assessments then parents / carers will be invited in for a confidential meeting to discuss their observations and their suggested strategies for support. If the timing is not suitable then a phone call can be arranged. The Headteacher /Senco /class teacher can be present at this meeting but this will be at the parents’ request.
In addition to Parents' evening, Parents are offered review meetings that will provide the opportunity to discuss the progress of pupils with a support plan in more depth. This will determine whether what has been tried has worked and should continue for a while longer, or whether something different needs to be put into place. The Senco is also available to meet with the parents of SEND pupils at any other time deemed suitable for both parties.
Various workshops / assemblies / musical performances / sporting events take place during the school year to which parents / carers are invited and these are advertised on the school diary dates and via the Parent App.
Parents / carers are asked to hear their child / children read at least three times a week and are requested to evidence this by a signature and a date in their child’s reading record booklet.
Green Park School offers a variety of pastoral support including:
❖ Access to quiet rooms to talk or to be calm and self regulate with a member of staff of the pupil’s choice.
❖ An open door policy to see the Headteacher unless the headteacher’s door is closed for a private meeting.
❖ Specific sessions with trained staff in school: Mrs A. Lewis (Level 4 Certificate in Mental Health Aware Leadership, Emotional Health and Wellbeing Lead and Drawing & Talking Therapist), Mrs L. McManus (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant), Mr J. Duffy (Play Therapist), We currently have three trainees completing a BSc in Child & Adolescent Mental Health and Wellbeing and have ongoing support from Sefton’s Autism and Complex Needs team.
❖ Providing the pupils with a voice through The School Council who meet with the school council lead Mrs N. Evans regularly. School council feeds back to the pupils during assemblies and via the Headteacher with their ideas / thoughts / wishes / hopes.
❖ Quiet seating areas created in and around play areas outside for those who need quieter times from free play but do not want to be
removed from their peers.
❖ All staff know the importance of monitoring the emotional well-being of every pupil and the steps to take if a pupil is struggling
emotionally. Concerns should be mentioned to the SLT (Senior Leadership Team) which will be forwarded to the Headteacher or to the
Assistant Headteachers and senior leaders if the headteacher is not present. If there are serious concerns for the emotional well being of the pupil, the school EP (Educational Psychologist) or CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) may be consulted but this will always be discussed with the parents and gain their consent to this.
❖ Advertised ‘drop in’ sessions held at the school with the school nurse Ruth Swanson 0151 247 6810.
❖ Green Park School has a reputation for being a caring community school, with staff who know who to contact if situations arise which need investigation and a positive outcome
❖ All staff have a duty of care for ALL the pupils in the school. They have training in safeguarding and in certain aspects of SEND. There are trained first aiders on site for pupils and for adults and staff know who to contact when situations arise.
❖ Parental concerns are received sensitively and pupils can then be carefully monitored without the obvious presence of an additional adult
ALL the staff at Green Park School are kept up to date with Safeguarding and Child Protection training. They know who the safeguarding leaders are and who to speak to should concerns arise. The school has access to the following services, outside agencies and information for the following services:
The school can also source advice on:
❖ The SEND Code of Practice from 1st September 2014 which gives guidance on the special educational needs and disability (SEND) system for children and young people aged 0 to 25.
❖ The four categories of SEND: 1. Cognition & Learning, 2. Communication & Interaction, 3. Social, Emotional, and Mental Health and 4.
Sensory and/or Physical needs.
❖ The Disability Discrimination Act (1995)
❖ Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) – including dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia
❖ Asperger’s Syndrome - a condition forming part of the autistic spectrum, characterised chiefly by repetitive patterns of behaviour,
preoccupation with restricted interests, and difficulties with social interaction, without intellectual impairment or significant
problems with verbal communication.
❖ Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - including support from the ASD and Complex Needs Team
❖ Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
❖ Looked After Children (LAC)
❖ Pupil Premium (PP)
❖ Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL)
❖ Audiology
❖ Social Care
❖ Physical Disability Outreach Team
❖ Hearing Impairment Team
❖ Visual Impairment Team
❖ Behaviour Support Team
❖ The School Nurse
❖ The Epilepsy Nurse
❖ The Outreach Service
Information on:
● The Diabetic Pupil
● The use of Epipens
● First Aid and Mini Medics training
● Numicon
● Intervention programmes
● Charanga – an IT based music programme
Activities and school trips are available to ALL pupils regardless of their disability. All pupils are included in:
❖ Out of school half day and day trips
❖ Educational activities inside and outside the school day
❖ Physical activities inside and outside the school building
❖ Swimming lessons (KS2 only)
Risk assessments are carried out and procedures put in place to enable all pupils to participate. If it is deemed that an intensive level of 1-1 support is required, then a parent / carer may be asked to accompany their child for the duration of that activity so they are still able to participate at their level.
Green Park School is a two tier building with internal and external stairs accessing the Key Stage Two classrooms. Our equality and
accessibility plan is available at the school office. The facilities we have at present include:
❖ Raised ground levels into school to make entry easily accessible to all
❖ 1 shower
❖ 1 stretcher bed
❖ Double width doors in some parts of the building
❖ Designated First Aid room
At Green Park School we are more than happy to discuss individual access requirements and will adapt the routines of access to accommodate
anyone with a physical disability.
There will be discussions between previous schools and settings prior to a pupil joining Green Park School.
❖ There will be discussions between receiving schools prior to a pupil leaving Green Park School.
❖ Transition visits will be arranged between other schools or settings and Green Park School.
❖ Additional visits are arranged for pupils who may need extra time in their new school.
❖ Green Park Staff will accompany parents and pupils when visiting transition schools as many times as necessary or as appropriate.
❖ The headteacher, the Senco, the Year 6 teacher and TA’s will liaise closely with senior leaders from the receiving High Schools. During meetings with senior leaders from the High Schools specific requirements / needs / provisions are discussed in detail and paperwork exchanged.
❖ Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Inclusion Consultants will advise if it is necessary for them to support with pupils from outside Early Years settings and meetings will be held at the beginning of the Autumn term for those primary schools receiving children with SEND from
outside Early Years settings
❖ The Senco ensures the secure transfer of all SEND records to receiving High Schools and gains receipts for these to prove they have been handed over.
❖ Teacher to teacher transition meetings are arranged each summer term to discuss every pupil prior to them moving to the next year
group. These meetings are supported by whole class overview sheets detailing any children’s additional or SEND needs.
❖ A transition session, arranged at the end of the summer term, provides the opportunity for all children to spend time in their new
classroom environment with their new class teacher
Green Park School is funded by the Local Authority. Money is then allocated to various resources. High Needs Funding (requested by schools to support specific pupils whose SEND needs are the greatest) is only used to provide support or resources for that named pupil.
The Headteacher makes the final decision on how the budget is allocated but the Senco, together with Class Teachers and Teaching Assistants, can meet with the Headteacher to request the purchase of specific resources / IT activities and equipment which they believe will assist progress, well being, fine/gross motor skills or which have been recommended by any outside professionals in their report.
These decisions are made in consultation with any or all of the following personnel: the Headteacher, the Assistant Headteachers, the Senco, the class teacher, the teaching assistants and with parents. Decisions are made upon specific need / behaviour / attitude and any results of the termly tracking of a pupil’s progress.
If further or continued concerns are identified other support will then be sought for the pupil with the consent of parents/carers by accessing the expertise of some of the following agencies: SENISS, SEPPS, IC, SALT, OT, CAMHS or the CNT.
All parents are encouraged to contribute to their child’s education. This may be through:
❖ Discussions with the class teacher at any point during the school year.
❖ Decisions made during the two annual parents evenings.
❖ Discussions with the Headteacher, Assistant Headteachers or the Senco.
❖ Parents /carers being encouraged to comment on their child’s academic progress or their social and emotional wellbeing.
❖ Parents /carers being encouraged to attend parental information sharing events, workshops, assemblies and performances which take place in the school during the year.
❖ Agreed daily or weekly home/school diaries to monitor attitude, behaviour and progress.
❖ Attending the review meeting with the Senco and other professionals (if appropriate) for pupils with SEND.
❖ Specific meetings between the Headteacher, the Assistant Headteachers or the Senco with the parents/carers.
❖ FOGP - Friends of Green Park (Parent Association
Green Park School hopes that this document will help to answer your queries. However, if anything else concerns you please telephone the school office on: 0151 526 2755
or email:
Other useful contacts:
❖ SENIS (Sefton Educational Needs Inclusion Service) have trained consultants who visit school to support pupils and staff, complete specific assessments and offer advice to parents and staff – 01704 882850 or email:
❖ SEPPS (Sefton Educational Psychology and Portage Service) offers support for the diagnosis of ASD, ADHD, behaviour management and other social and emotional difficulties – 0151 934 2347 or email:
❖ SENDIASS (Sefton Educational Needs Information, Advice and Support Service) 0333 333 8003 or email: or
❖ For details of the SEND Code of Practice visit:
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