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Admission Arrangements

  • Green Park School Admissions

    We are proud of our school and enjoy visitors coming to visit. To come and look at what we have to offer, please contact Mrs McNally or Miss Dewsbury on 0151 526 2755, to make an appointment with Mrs. Hains our Headteacher.

    To apply for a Reception Class place at Green Park School:

    Please contact the school in order for us to record your child’s details.

    Twelve months before your child is due to to start mainstream education a “Sefton Primary School Admissions Information for Parents and Carers” booklet is available via the Sefton website

    For an application for admission to Green Park School during the academic year contact us first and then make an application via the Sefton Website.

    Sefton Council contact details for admissions are:

    The Admissions Team,

    Young People and Families,

    Town Hall,

    Oriel Road,


    L20 7AE

    0151 934 3590


  • Green Park Nursery Admissions


    Monday to Friday 8.45am - 11.45am and 12.15pm - 3.15pm

    Each session can accommodate 26 children

    All 3 year olds are entitled to 15 hours free nursery education. This is delivered through either 5 morning sessions or 5 afternoon sessions

    We do offer a limited number of 30 hour free nursery provision for those who meet the eligibility criteria set out in the government website.

     To register your interest for a nursery place please complete the “register of interest” form available through the school office.

    Children are admitted to Green Park Nursery in the term after their third priority for places will be based on date of birth ie the oldest eligible children being offered places first. 

    In the case that we are over subscribed we will allocate places using the following criteria:

    Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan naming the school. 

    Looked after children, whom the Corporate Parent agrees should attend the school, and ‘previously looked after’ children.  

    Disabled children who need to be admitted to a school on the grounds of physical accessibility. The definition of disability is that contained within the Equality Act 2010. 

    Children who live in the designated catchment area. If there are more applicants than places in this category, priority will be given in the following descending order:

     • Those children who, at the time of entry, have a brother or sister attending the primary school to which the nursery is attached. 

    • Those children who live closest to the school by the nearest designated public route as defined on the Directorate’s Geographic Information System.

    Children living outside the designated area who have a brother or sister attending either the foundation stage or the main school at the time of entry. If there are more applicants than places in this category, priority will be given within this group to children who live closest to the school by the nearest designated public route as defined on the Directorate’s Geographic Information System. 

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